The Toughest Total Gym Bikini Boot Camp Yet
The heat is on and it’s time to peel off those winter clothes for some tanks, shorts… and of course a swimsuit! Only you know what’s been hiding underneath all those layers, but you are the one who can do something about it! I guarantee you’re not the only one who feels insecure and out of shape this time of year.
Most women fear the thought of baring skin for “swimsuit weather”. Men, you may not have a problem peeling off your shirt, but if your belly has grown over the winter, this may be a little concern for your ego! Rather than dread this wonderful time of the year, try to embrace it by setting a goal(s) to get into great shape mentally as well as physically so you can bare all with confidence… well, you know what I mean… for the summer season!
Training your body should provide you with a sense of accomplishment along with feeling more comfortable with your appearance. Setting realistic goals for yourself will help establish a higher sense of well-being, gratitude, and empowerment. It’s such a wonderful feeling to feel empowered by something you have worked hard to accomplish.
Here are some examples of attainable goals to set and stick to:
- Plan to get your sweat on!
No problem! I’ve developed the perfect bikini plan for you! Just follow the 5 week series, and you will sweat it out daily! - Prioritize your body
Check! Got you covered on this one too. The workouts will change weekly by prioritizing a focus on certain body parts as well as type of routine. - Intake Healthy/ Clean Foods
It’s just as important to have a healthy and clean diet as it is a good workout! Pay attention to the foods you eat… try to cut out anything processed (starchy carbs/ boxed foods) and increase ‘real’ foods that grow from the ground, walk on land, or swim in the ocean! - Hydrate & Cleanse
Drinking extra water helps flush toxins from your body, helps your organs function better, improves your performance, and can increase your fat-burning potential! Hydrating your body is extremely important daily!
Always strive toward what you’re trying to achieve and never lose sight of the ultimate goal!
I have an excellent plan of action to get you ready for your best bikini season to date! It will take patience, persistence, motivation, and a positive effort to continue each day with the set routine I provide you. Ultimately, if you complete the five week plan as directed, eat a clean/ healthy diet, and monitor your progress as the weeks pass, I will say with certainty that you will have made some positive changes for your body and will also gain self confidence!
SCHEDULE FOR WEEK 1: Upper Body & Cardio
*Please perform your choice of cardio and core exercises for days 2 & 3.
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Instructions: Perform the Bikini Boot Camp Series in circuit format for each workout (one exercise after the other with little to no rest between each movement). Each movement is listed on the exercise list/ schedule and will show you when to repeat the sequence!
- Follow the workout schedule provided each day.
- Aim to perform this strength workout on 3 non-consecutive days.
- Day 1, perform the first 7 exercises for 2-3 sets.
- Day 2, perform the next 7 exercises 2-3xs.
- Day 3, perform the entire list of Upper Body & Cardio exercises (all 14 movements) twice through!
- Equipment Needed: Total Gym, Hand Weights
WARM-UP: 2-5 minutes with movements of your choice
UPPER BODY & CARDIO CIRCUIT: Perform each exercise 10-15 Reps, Repeat 2-3xs though depending on your fitness level and workout time.
- Over head press & jacks [cardio] (wts)
- Weighted high pulls (wts)
- Prone shoulder presses (TG)
- Incline burpie [cardio]
- Single leg balance- side arm raises (wts)
- Seated chest fly (TG)
- Seated rear flies w/ wts
- 6 high knees, 6 jack claps [cardio]
- 2 Jump squats, 2 push-up jacks [cardio]
- Seated bicep reaches (TG)
- Half kneeling Single arm row, tricep
- 3 side to side hops, 1 burpie
- Hop fwd 180 flips (wts)
- Side to side hops w/ alt OH presses
STRETCHES: Cool-down with light cardio &/ or simple flexibility movements to recover your muscles. Hold each stretch 10-30 seconds.
Please refer to the accompanying video to see how the exercises are performed.
NOTE: I suggest you take a moment to learn the exercises prior to beginning your workouts focus for the week in order for the circuit to flow quickly and transition smoothly. I also suggest printing each day’s workout for quick reference of the exercise sequence. You will see these works again as the weeks progress. Be sure to follow the instructions each day for every workout!
Good luck tackling your goals this week! Stay tuned for week 2 of the program!
Best Always,