5-Week Bikini Boot Camp: Week 4

Total Gym Bikini Boot Camp Week 4

Bikini Boot Camp Week 4

Focus: Pilates & Cardio

Slim down and get bikini ready with my 5-week Bikini Boot Camp Series. With the right combination of exercises and a clean diet, you can accomplish this goal in no time! This series focuses on a specific goal each week and builds upon the previous week.

This is the 4th week of the program; so if you’re just joining in now, please refer back to week 1 to get the full program details.

Tips For Your Weight Loss Journey:

Before we get into this week’s workout details, lets discuss a few important topics that are good reminders for us all.

A great program is only as good as the energy and effort you put in! 

  • If you take the time and commit to something, do it right in all aspects.

The Golden Equation: Fitness = 20% exercise & 80% diet!

  • It’s the winning combination to achieving the results you want!
  • Train hard at optimal levels for your fitness ability & strive for more when your body is ready for the challenge.
  • Warm-up & cool-down with movements/stretches that recover your muscles. Foam rolling is ideal.
  • Eat a clean diet filled with lots of greens, fruits, & lean proteins.
  • Eliminate refined sugars, boxed foods, and cut back on carbs.
  • Hydrate to fuel, cleanse, and replenish your body.

Learn & listen to your body

  • We all function and react to a different beat. Pay attention to what you may need, how you can change and adapt to a stimulus, and what drives you to stay motivated.

The Bikini Boot Camp Plan:

The Bikini Boot Camp Series is an excellent plan of action to get you into that 2-piece suit! Patience, persistence, motivation, and a positive effort each day/week is what it takes to reach your goals. Carefully follow the workout schedule and routines I provide each week. If you stick to the weekly workouts, eat a clean diet each day, and stay focused mentally, I am certain that you will make some positive changes for your body and will gain self-confidence in the process!

The ‘Bikini Boot Camp’ is based on a 5-week schedule consisting of:

  • Week 1: Upper Body & Cardio
  • Week 2: Core & Cardio
  • Week 3: Lower Body & Cardio
  • Week 4: Pilates & Cardio
  • Week 5: Full Body Workout

*Each week, there will be a new post that contains the workout schedule, set exercises, and accompanying video for that week’s specific focus.
*During the 5-week series, the workouts will build upon the previous weeks routine. So learn them well!

SCHEDULE FOR WEEK 4: Pilates & Cardio

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The 4th week focuses on Pilates & Cardio exercises. You will perform the workout provided during 2 days and alternate it with week 1, 2, & 3’s workouts.

  • All other workouts will be performed in Circuit format 10-15 reps, 2-3 sets.
  • Perform the same Pilates & Cardio routine on BOTH days in circuit format
    • Do each Pilates exercise 10 reps, 1-2 sets through.

Bikini Boot Camp Focus: Pilates & Cardio

Instructions: Perform the Bikini Boot Camp Series in circuit format for each workout (one exercise after the other with little to no rest between each movement). Each movement is listed on the exercise list/schedule and will show you when to repeat the sequence!

Please refer to the accompanying video to see how the exercises are performed.

  • Follow the workout schedule provided each day.
  • Day 1: perform the Pilates & Cardio exercises.
  • Day 2: perform ALL 14 Upper Body & Cardio exercises 1-2 sets.
  • Day 3: perform the Pilates & Cardio exercises.
  • Day 4: perform ALL 16 Core & Cardio exercises 1-2 sets.
  • Day 5: perform ALL14 Lower Body & Cardio exercises 2 sets.
  • Day 6: perform 30-60 min of Cardio & Core movements of your choice.
  • Equipment Needed: Total Gym/ AbCrunch, Hand Weights, Small Play Ball

PILATES & CARDIO CIRCUIT: Perform each exercise 10 Reps; Repeat 1-2xs through depending on your fitness level and workout time.

WARM-UP: Low Level

  • Ab Series: (single &double leg stretch, bicycle, straight leg pull)
  • Floor: 1st & 2nd position Plié hops (press small ball)

Med-High Level, Squat Stand/ Jump Board, & Small Ball

  1. Jump board + ball presses
    • Pendulum
    • Single Leg Hops
    • (repeat 2x)
    • Swivels
    • Split jumps
    • (repeat 2x)
  2. Saw
  3. Up Stretch
  4. Long Stretch
  5. Low Level & Connect Cables

  6. The Hundred (+diff legs)
  7. Coordination
  8. Roll Over
  9. Arm Circles
  10. Hug a Tree
  11. Swimming/ Breath Stroke
  12. Side Kneeling Bicep Press (+ lateral lean)
  13. Side Kneeling Single Arm Diagonal
  14. Side Lying Leg Lifts
  15. Frog (+ small ball)
  16. Leg Circles
  17. Rev Swan

STRETCHES: Cool-down with simple flexibility movements to recover your muscles.  Hold each stretch 10-30 seconds.

Please refer to the accompanying video to see how the exercises are performed.

NOTE: I suggest you take a moment to learn the exercises prior to beginning your workouts focus for the week in order for the circuit to flow quickly and transition smoothly. I also suggest printing each day’s workout for quick reference of the exercise sequence. You will see these workouts again as the week’s progress. Try to follow the instructions each day for every workout! 

Good luck with week 4’s workout plan. If you have been following the program from the beginning, the exercises should be more familiar to you. Each week’s workout has been building upon the previous weeks. Now that you’re familiar with these workouts, you can begin to push yourself harder with more intensity, more speed, and/or a higher resistance.

Keep up the hard work this week. Stay focused, motivated, and continue on the path towards achieving your best bikini body!  Stay tuned for the 5th and final week of the program!

Best Always,



Maria Sollon

Maria Sollon Scally MS, CSCS holds a Master’s Degree in Performance Enhancement/Injury Prevention and Kinesiology. She has obtained numerous certifications in various areas of fitness and is a national conference presenter. Maria specializes in Pilates, Performance Coaching, and Corrective Exercise Techniques and Kettlebells. She is the creator of the Plyo Pilates Method and has developed a series of amazing workout DVDs. She is a Master Trainer for Total Gym, Resist-a-Ball, Body Blade, Peak Pilates, Kettle Bell Concepts and is a freelance writer for Fitness accredited magazines, newsletters, and fitness blog sites. Maria demonstrates her knowledge each day and uses her dynamic creativity throughout her specialized line of work. http://www.groovysweat.com http://www.groovysweatstore.com (purchasable workout videos) http://www.youtube.com/groovysweat (workout clips)

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