It’s summer time and if you’re like most people, then you love the idea of getting in some time in the ocean and/or at the pool to enjoy some swimming.
Obviously, swimming can be done year around but this is the time of year when it is optimal and when more people incorporate this method of cardio into their fitness routine because they want to enjoy the sunshine and the warm weather. Although the casual person uses swimming as more of a recreational activity, there is a large population of people who are actively searching for ways to become a faster, stronger, and better swimmer. So, if you’re a part of that group who is looking to improve your swimming skills, then look no further this article that you are reading right now.
In this article, we are going to provide you with 5 Go-To Exercises on your Total Gym Fit that will help you to increase your swimming level and improve your efficiency in the water.
So, without further ado, pull your out Total Gym Fit and let’s get started:
Grab a bar shoulder width with your palms facing down. Hang and then raise your feet off the floor by bending your knees. Hang with straight arms. Pull yourself up by pulling your elbows down to the floor. Keep your elbows close. Pull yourself all the way up until your chin passes the bar. Lower yourself all the way down until your arms are straight. Breathe and repeat the sequence. (2 Sets, 15 Reps)
Upright Back Rows
Sit up straight with good posture facing the Total Gym. Grab onto the handles and begin to pull them towards your body with the goal of getting your hands lined up with your chest, then come back out to complete the rep. Now repeat that motion to complete the 1st set. Remember to pull in towards your body fast but to go out slowly to control the movements and maximize the muscle contractions. Repeat this sequence to complete the first rep. (2 Sets, 15 Reps)
Lay flat down on your stomach while grabbing onto the hand grips on your Total Gym. Begin extending your arms back towards your lower body and as you do so, the rest of your body will raise up. This completes one rep. Remember to control the movement both ways and to go slow as you lift your body up & down. (2 Sets, 15 Reps)
One Legged Squat Jump and Alternate Sides
Sit upright with your butt as close as possible to the bottom of the seat with one leg on the platform and the other leg lifted in the air to the side of the platform. Proceed to squat on the one leg that is on the platform by going down slowly until you feel engagement in the quadriceps region of your leg, then explode up to lift your body back up to complete the rep but instead of landing on the same foot, switch your legs in mid-air so that the other foot lands on the platform. Repeat this sequence by alternating legs to complete the first rep. (2 Sets of 15 Reps in Each Direction)
Jennifer Bexley
21 Aug 2018Great post, I want one of those machines, do you have any recommendations?