Stay-cation Retreat Series, Part 1

Did you ever just want to take a personal life break and get away, but don’t have the time or means to go anywhere? We all need that space for ourselves to feel happy, relaxed, and maybe even inspired every day, even if it’s for a few short minutes.


If you can relate, then I encourage you to create your own magical get-a-way retreat in the comfort of your own home or close proximity by changing your surroundings. Get ready to reset your mind, body, and energy levels with this special workout blog series!



Stay-cation: Creating a certain vibe by making the environment feel as if you are transported to your own retreat haven without leaving your home.

Whether you workout at home, outside, or have a favorite nearby location that calls your name, you may want to consider changing things up a bit to inspire your senses and invigorate your body to be in a ‘retreat mode’ from home, AKA; astay-cation’.


Typically, a retreat is a place one goes for a short weekend or an extended stay in a remote location to regroup, relax, pamper, or learn a specific task such as yoga, Pilates, hiking, meditation, cooking, or even surfing.

So, here’s the plan… you are going to magically create your own stay-cation retreat! You decide how your workout environment will look or feel, and I will provide you a daily routine that challenges your body!


For your stay-cation experience, I designed 7 total body workouts to perform on your Total Gym. Each workout is different to keep your muscles guessing and your body moving with an array of exercises that flow from one to the next.

  • Perform one workout a day consecutively. Or choose to incorporate the workouts into your current routine and dedicate time to a specific ‘retreat’ day.
  • Use your Total Gym equipment at home. Or be adventurous by taking the equipment to a special location!
  • Reminder to change up your workout environment! This is all part of the experience!
  • I suggest printing or writing each workout as you receive them for easy reference of what exercise comes next.
  • This blog series will post consecutively, so stay tuned so you can keep your body and mind in retreat mode!
  • The best part about this workout series is that you will eventually have a total of 7 different workouts that efficiently and effectively train your entire body!



  • Accessories: cables & Total Gym squat stand
  • Directions: Perform each exercise for 10 reps on each side. Continue to the next exercise in circuit form. Take a quick rest once all exercises are completed.
  • REPEAT circuit if your workout time permits. Suggested 2-3 sets.
  • Perform your own dynamic warm-up prior to beginning the circuit.
  • End the workout with a series of stretches to recover your muscles.

High Incline & Squat Stand Connected

  1. 10 squats, 10 pulses, 10 single leg
  2. Quadruped Glute Presses

Low-Medium Incline & Connect cables

  1. Torso Rotation
  2. Surfer Row & Bicep Curl
  3. Pullover Crunch & Lateral Raise

Check out the video to see how these exercises are performed.

You are on your way to creating a magical workout journey. Good luck and stay tuned for the 2nd workout!

Revive with a vibe,


Maria Sollon

Maria Sollon Scally MS, CSCS holds a Master’s Degree in Performance Enhancement/Injury Prevention and Kinesiology. She has obtained numerous certifications in various areas of fitness and is a national conference presenter. Maria specializes in Pilates, Performance Coaching, and Corrective Exercise Techniques and Kettlebells. She is the creator of the Plyo Pilates Method and has developed a series of amazing workout DVDs. She is a Master Trainer for Total Gym, Resist-a-Ball, Body Blade, Peak Pilates, Kettle Bell Concepts and is a freelance writer for Fitness accredited magazines, newsletters, and fitness blog sites. Maria demonstrates her knowledge each day and uses her dynamic creativity throughout her specialized line of work. (purchasable workout videos) (workout clips)

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  1. Awesome

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