Mental Fitness, Mind/Body Wellbeing
Mental fitness is often overlooked when it comes to the impact it can have on your workouts. Feeling healthy on the inside can help guide you to success in your outer appearance.
Mental fitness is often overlooked when it comes to the impact it can have on your workouts. Feeling healthy on the inside can help guide you to success in your outer appearance.
But now that it’s late January, “walking in a winter wonderland” may not be so easy, especially if you are among the estimated 14 percent of the population that suffers with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) according to the CDC. Approximately 10 percent to 20 percent of the population may experience a milder form called the “winter blues.” So what causes SAD and how can you learn to cope with it?
Whether it’s the harm to your health that comes from chronically failed New Year RE-solutions, blaming yourself for not being able to create and maintain healthy habits, feeling intimidated by setting “the right” fitness habits, you certainly aren’t alone. Learn how to form healthy habits for good!
Mental preparation is the key to a successful workout. That’s right. Just mindfully and with intention, visualizing a workout before you begin exercising has been found to yield actual physical benefits and can even make you stronger. The fact is that mental imagery of motor movement tends to use the…
What, you don’t feel any anxiety? Your heart rate isn’t jumping, you aren’t breathing faster, and your muscles aren’t tense? Have you had your head under a rock lately? Screaming headlines can keep us shaking from morning to night, filled with worry, concern and even anxiety. Digital devices constantly alert…
This article is going to teach you how to take the limits off of your thinking. After all, who would take a step forward to do anything while bogged down with limiting thoughts of, “It can’t be done” or, “I can’t do it”? There isn’t an area of life that…
It’s been observed by Orhan Pamuk that “dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.” If you’re one of those who feel comfort and joy around your pet, you understand just what this article is about – the benefits of owning a pet go far beyond…
Here’s an unusual question for you: if you were given the choice to skip a workout or skip valuable sleep, which would you choose? I mean, we all have this choice, right? Out partying late and all you want to do is get some more sleep. Except you keep thinking…
Frederick Nietzche, the German philosopher, once said, “He who has a why can endure any how.” When it comes to setting and achieving life goals, it’s important they be personally motivating and relevant to the highest priorities in your life. But why set goals in the first place?…
For more than a decade, beginning in 1980, I served as Chief Psychologist for the San Diego Police Department and consulted with numerous other law enforcement agencies around the country on preventing and managing stress. It was from that vantage point, behind the badge, that I was first introduced to…