Get into the Swing of Things with the Total Gym: Part 2

Part 2: Functional Strength for a Stronger Swing  

Mark Scally 

Golf is a game of precision, power, and endurance. To excel, golfers need a workout that develops these attributes while preventing injury. So golfers, get ready to take your game to the next level!   

 Golfers Guide Overview 

This is Part 2 of the Golf Series.  In Part 1, we covered some essential dynamic warm-up exercises to get your muscles primed before hitting the links. If you missed it, make sure to check it out here and get your warm-up routine on point. 

 In this Golfers Guide, we will discuss functional strength exercises specifically designed to boost your power and precision on the course. A stronger swing means longer drives, better control, and a significant edge over your competition. Let’s build that strength and transform your game! 

 The Swing of Things: Why Functional Strength Matters 

Golf is a sport that demands focus, balance, strength, and flexibility. From the explosive power needed for long drives to the controlled finesse required for those tricky short shots, every aspect of your game hinges on your physical capabilities. That’s where functional strength comes into play. 

 Functional strength training focuses on movements that mimic real-life activities, like swinging a golf club. By practicing these movements off the course, you not only enhance your performance on the course, but also reduce the risk of injury. The Total Gym offers a versatile platform for a functional workout that targets the muscles used in golf, helping you drive the ball longer and more consistently. Here’s how this workout can benefit you: 

Benefits of the Workout: 

  • Injury Prevention: By strengthening the muscles around the joints, you reduce the risk of common golf injuries. 
  • Power: Develop explosive strength for a more powerful swing. 
  • Consistency: Improved muscle control leads to more consistent shots. 
  • Flexibility: Enhance your range of motion, crucial for a fluid swing. 
  • Endurance: Build stamina to maintain peak performance throughout the round. 

Advantages of Using the Total Gym: 

  • Versatility: Allows for a wide range of exercises targeting all the necessary muscle groups. 
  • Adjustability: Easily modify the resistance to match your fitness level. 
  • Convenience: Perform a comprehensive workout in the comfort of your home. 
  • Efficiency: Transition quickly between exercises for a time-effective workout. 

The Exercises:

Set glideboard to a low level.  Pulley system is to be unattached.

  • Modified Burpie:
    • Benefits: Increases heart rate, builds leg and core strength.
      How to: Stand in front of the Total Gym, squat down, place hands on the glideboard, push the glideboard out into a plank, then return to standing.

  • Cross-over Plank:
    • Benefits: Strengthens obliques, shoulders, and improves rotational stability.
    • How to: Start this exercise the same way as the Modified Burpie described above. Stand in front of the Total Gym, squat down, place hands on the glideboard and extend to a plank position. There are two variations depending on your comfort level.
      • Variation 1 includes having you cross your leg onto the glideboard similar to a pigeon pose in yoga. Hold this pose and use the glideboard to either deep or soften the stretch.  Return to plank, return to standing, then switch legs.

      • Variation 2 is more intense and requires more flexibility than variation 1. This variation includes having you stretch your leg across the glideboard completely and straighten the leg to the floor. Hold the position or add some rotational to really engage your back and core.

  • Reverse Lunge w/ Twist:
    • Benefits: Targets glutes, quads, and core; enhances rotational movement.
    • How to: Grab a golf club. Face away from the Total Gym at the base.  Place your hands on the club about shoulder width apart with your palms facing down (you can also try performing this with your palms facing up). Engage your core as you stretch your arms out below your chest.  Place one foot on the glideboard and slowly lower into a lunge while simultaneously twisting your torso toward the front leg.  Repeat the lunge and rotational twist.  Keep your head still and your eyes focused in front you during the full movement. Switch to your other leg.

Set glideboard to medium Level and attach pulley system.

  • Surfer Row w/ Reverse Fly:
    • Benefits: Builds lower back, upper back, shoulders, and improves posture for the golf swing.
      How to: Grab opposite handles and face toward the Total Gym in a seated or low kneeling position.  Extend arms toward the vertical column while allowing your chest to lower toward the gluideboard. As you pull the handles, raise your chest and extend both arms out to a reverse fly.

  • Single Arm Negative Press:
    • Benefits: Isolates chest and triceps, focuses on the eccentric phase for muscle growth.

      How to: Grab both handles and sit on the glideboard facing away from the vertical column. Keep the cables under your arm (pits) and start with both arms extended.  Bend one arm towards your chest while keeping the other arm static.  Slightly rotate your torso as you bend your arm. Extend the arm back out and repeat the movement with the other arm.   Focus on the return motion while you perform this and allow the Total Gym’s gravity resistance to make you work!

Incorporating these exercises into your routine will not only improve your golf game but will also contribute to overall fitness and well-being. The Total Gym is your trusty companion that will help you to execute these movements effectively and ensure that you’re always at the top of your game. 

Remember, consistency is key. Incorporate this workout into your routine 2-3 times a week and before you play for optimal results. Now, get ready to hit the links with confidence and power! 

Stay tuned for Part 3 of the golf series, where we’ll explore the Pilates approach to building core power for a stronger golf game. Until then, keep practicing your swing strength and remember, greatness is just a drive away. 



Mark Scally

Mark Scally is an athlete and player development coach committed to achieving high performance through specialized training. Mark’s background in sports focuses primarily in ice hockey where he had played four years at the collegiate level at the Pennsylvania State University and five years at various professional levels around the US. Starting in 2000, Mark had participated in two NHL training camps with The Pittsburgh Penguins and had played for minor league professional teams in the AHL, ECHL, and SPHL. After retiring from professional hockey in 2005, he continues to train as an athlete himself as well trains others in hockey. Mark also has a notable background in golf where he competed at a young age and played for a year on the Pennsylvania State (NCAA Div I) golf team. Mark continues to be an active golfer competing in local events on the amateur level. Balancing life outside of athletics, Mark is currently a registered professional civil engineer who performs engineering services for water infrastructure projects for a private consulting company. Regardless of type of sport, activity, or for general wellness, Mark is passionate about training. He has adopted a functional training style that involves cardio, strength, plyometrics, and agility exercises that are effective for all sports and also support a healthy lifestyle. The benefits Mark focuses on are improved strength, stamina, flexibility, and injury prevention. With a properly managed diet, Mark’s training will promote muscle development and excess fat loss, which can be calibrated based on your goals to make the best athlete out of all of us!

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