My muscles feel sore! I hear these four words on a weekly basis from participants in my GRAVITY classes performed on the Total Gym. Chances are the majority of us have experienced muscle soreness at some point in time, but probably never stopped to think why our muscles feel this way.
Any time muscles work harder than they’re accustomed to, it is believed microscopic damage occurs to the muscle fibers which can result in soreness and feelings of stiffness. The lengthening of muscles during eccentric movements (think running downhill) has been known to contribute to microscopic tears and the surrounding tissue areas. This feeling is known as delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS for short. DOMS will usually appear within 12 to 24 hours after exercise, and begin to peak after 24 to 72 hours. It is important to rest after a tough workout as rest allows muscles that have been overworked to heal and recover. Not taking the time to properly recover can lead to an increased chance of injury by overexerting the body before enough time has passed in between physical activities.
Prevention and Treatment for Quick Recovery
- Proper sleep is essential for helping muscles repair and recover. The body undergoes protein synthesis during sleep, and getting a good night of rest can make for stronger muscles and increased endurance.
- After sleeping through the night, the body needs proper nutrients in the morning. Eating protein-rich foods for breakfast assists in the rebuilding of muscles and can help reduce unhealthy cravings throughout the day. Think eggs, oatmeal, yogurt, and almonds.
- Using a foam roller can help break up scar tissue between the skin, muscles, and bone. The pressure that is placed on targeted fascia from a foam roller helps release trigger points where you may be feeling pain.
- Similar to using a foam roller, massage can help disperse scar tissue and reduced stiffness/soreness in muscles. It not only helps with muscle recovery but it is also a good way to alleviate stress and tension in the body.
Get Good Sleep:
Consume Protein for Breakfast:
Use a Foam Roller:
Book a Massage:
Take a hot bath:
Listen to Relaxing Tunes:
Stretch It Out
There are several great stretches you can perform on the Total Gym to help relieve muscle stiffness and aid in quicker recovery. Here are a few of my favorites I perform after a tough workout:
- Straddle the glideboard facing the tower.
- Lower chest towards the board and place one hand on each rail.
- Slowly begin to move each hand up the rails towards the tower while looking down towards the floor.
- Next, place both hands on the left rail, sit back into the right hip, and hold for ten seconds.
- Switch both hands on the right rail and repeat on the other side.
- Go back to one hand on each rail, lowering the chest a little more towards the glideboard (deeper stretch) and hold again for ten seconds.
- Walk on your heels to the top of the squat stand and point them forward then back towards the tower.
- Lie down on the glideboard with feet towards the bottom of the squat stand, with head and neck rested on the pad.
- Raise both arms overhead, palms facing inward, and begin to reach upward by lifting the shoulders and back while rolling forward reaching towards the toes.
- Take a tennis ball and place under the right foot.
- While standing tall, drape the toes over the tennis ball and massage the backs of your toes.
- Begin to work down the sole of the foot to the back of the heel.
- Make sure to roll the ball on the inner and outer arches to cover the entire bottom of the foot.
- Continue to roll for a minimum of two minutes, then repeat on the left foot.
Back and Hip Stretch:
**Remember, do not hold your breath during any stretches.**
Point and Flex:
This move will stretch the tops of your ankles, feet, calves and Achilles heel.
This move will stretch the back, shoulders, and hamstrings, all while lifting the arms up towards the sky and rolling nice and slowly towards to ankles and toes.
Tennis Ball Massage for Myofascial Release:
You may experience tension release in other muscle groups in the body since the release of fascia in one area can trigger a release in another area
It is no secret that getting proper rest, eating well, and taking the time to properly stretch after physical activities can lead to a decrease in injury and soreness. Making it a habit to properly warm-up and cool down takes commitment and discipline on a regular basis. The benefits that come with following a consistent stretching and muscle recovery routine will pay off for many years to come. Now go treat yourself to a relaxing massage, hot bath, and a good night’s rest!
Did you experience a timely recovery after a tough workout following these recommendations? Send us a photo or email, we would love to hear from you!
Keep moving,