A foam roller can be used to efficiently release soreness and muscle tension before, during, and after exercise. Foam roller techniques can be performed daily, especially if you have an injury you’re trying to heal.
Myofascial release is a concept that has been used by therapists, masseuses, athletes, and in the fitness community for decades. This technique is known as Self Myofascial Release Technique (SMRT) and can change the way you move, feel and workout daily.
With foam rolling, you are able to control how your muscles are released by applying pressure to the area in contact with the roller. This is not a relaxing type of stretching method by any means, but it is available for you to do at home and it works. It requires consistent effort on your part, but the results are well worth it.
Reduce thickening and adhesions of connective tissue (aka; fascia)
Reduces muscular tension and soreness
Maintains normal muscle length
Enhances range of motion
Breaks down scar tissue
Promotes blood flow
Improves recovery
Reduces fatigue
Prevents injury
The foam roller accessory offers a variety of different body positions and angles to alleviate muscle soreness, tension, and prevent injury. Other unique benefits the foam roller accessory provides are:
Quickly attaches to the base
Adjustable height settings
Duel bars on sides for hands/feet
Good for pre and post workout strengthening and stretching
Simultaneously strengthen and lengthen muscles
Utilize cables to assist in rolling out tension spots
Perform these foam rolling techniques in the following order.
Learn the sequence and begin to ‘flow freely’ in the different positions to target your muscles in specific areas that are sore or tight.
Dynamically roll, rock, or hold the position on the tender spots for a few seconds before changing to another angle.
Breathe and take your time to work through the uncomfortable pressure.
Be the judge on how much direct pressure is applied to the working area.
Adjust the height setting to accommodate height.
Stand at the bottom base facing the tower.
Position one leg to the side of the glide board and the opposite on the roller while holding onto both handles.
Roll the shin and surrounding muscles in all angles.
Position the body into a side lying position by placing one forearm at the bottom of the glide board and use the handle for support to place the bottom leg onto the roller.
Bend the top leg and place it on the floor in front of the roller at the bottom base.
Hold onto the handle with the top arm and extend the leg on the roller.
Use the supporting leg and arm on the handle to move the glide board by slowly rolling and rotating the leg to target different angles from the side of the knee to the hip.
Position the forearms onto the glide board and place the roller on the thigh above the knee.
Position the opposite leg to the side of the glide board by bending the knee into a low lunge on the ball of the foot or by resting the knee on the floor.
Use the supporting leg to move the glide board forward and back.
Rotate the leg to target the quads in all muscular angles.
Kneel on the floor to one side of the glide board with one knee resting on the floor and the opposite extended on the roller.
Place one forearm on the glide board, the inner thigh of the top leg on the roller, and hold onto the handle with the opposite hand for support.
Use the glide board and arm on the handle to roll the inner thigh.
Rotate the leg in different angles to target all tension areas.
SEATED: Sit at the bottom of the glide board facing away from the tower. Position one foot at the base and the opposite calf onto the roller. Place the hands onto the glide board while keeping the arms straight, torso long, and chest lifted. Use the leg at the base to move the glide board. Roll and rotate the leg to target all angles of the calf.
SUPINE: Lie supine on the glide board facing away from the tower. Place one foot onto the handle and the opposite calf onto the roller. Use the leg on the handle to move the glide board to roll and release the calf.
Lie supine on the glide board.
Place one leg in front of the roller, extend the opposite leg, and lift the body into a single leg bridge.
Use the supporting leg to move the glide board and roll the hamstring.
Rotate the leg to target all angles.
*Perform the above lower body techniques on the other side before moving onto the upper body & torso techniques.
Upper Body & Torso Techniques:2>
Lie on the GB with the feet towards the tower and onto one side.
Place the lat onto the roller with the arm extended straight while holding onto the handle with the top arm for balance.
Move the GB slowly with intension to target sore or tension areas.
Roll up/ down, rock side-side, or hold when tension is felt. Perform on both sides
Assume a side lying position on the glide board with the feet towards the tower.
Holding onto the handle, open the glide board and place the tricep onto the roller with the arm extended straight.
Use the handle to move the glide board on the rails to roll out tension spots on the arm area.
Perform on both sides
Carefully sit on the roller with the legs straddling the glide board and hands on the handles.
Use your upper body in a ‘dipping’ motion to roll out the base of the spine.
Recline the spine onto the roller to target sore spots.
Carefully sit on the roller by holding onto the handles and placing both feet to one side of the glide board with the knees bent.
Roll both or one side of the glutes by using the arms and legs to move the roller in all angles.
Sit on the glide board with the legs extended long.
Place the middle back on the roller and rest the forearms on the handles.
Use the arms to open the glide board and target the tension spots.
Begin in a seated position facing the tower with the upper back placed on the roller and the elbow creases hooked around the handles.
Straddle the GB and lift the hips into a bridge position.
Use the legs and arms to roll the upper back and posterior shoulder muscles
Option to place on hand behind the head for neck support.
The foam roller accessory is a diverse way to maximize your strength and flexibility goals as well as an excellent method to recover your muscles. Give your muscles and fascial tissue some extra love so you can perform and feel your best.
Foam rolling is a form of ‘self-myofascial’ that can be accomplished by using a piece of foam, a small ball, or other ‘props’ to trigger point, massage, and release any tension spots.Myofascial release is a concept that has been used by therapists, masseuses, athletes, and in the fitness community for decades. This technique is known as Self Myofascial Release Technique (SMRT) and can change the way you move, feel and workout daily.
Our bodies are composed of fascia, which can become dense from physical activity or even by being stagnate (lack of movement). The concept behind foam rolling is to apply direct mechanical loads of pressure to the muscle in order to stretch and massage the underlying tissues.With foam rolling, you are able to control how your muscles are released by applying pressure to the area in contact with the roller. This is not a relaxing type of stretching method by any means, but it is available for you to do at home and it works. It requires consistent effort on your part, but the results are well worth it.
Foam rolling exercises produce many benefits to help your body performing at its best.FOAM ROLLER ACCESSORY FOR TOTAL GYM
The Total Gym comes with the basic attachments to work a variety of muscles properly. The foam roller accessory is a special attachment to incorporate onto your equipment. It’s similar to a typical roller, however, it easily attaches to the base of your equipment to provide a unique experience on your Total Gym.The foam roller accessory offers a variety of different body positions and angles to alleviate muscle soreness, tension, and prevent injury. Other unique benefits the foam roller accessory provides are:
This is a total body workout that will utilize the foam roller accessory by flowing through several body positions, and at different angels, to release muscular tension. To get great results, utilize your breath efficiently when rolling and applying pressure.Directions:
Everyone’s body will need specific angles, different positions, and a certain amount of time spent per area. Listen to what your body needs and accommodate it precisely. There is no right or wrong. Just experiment with your muscles and only roll on muscle tissue, not direct bones.Lower Body Rolling Techniques:
*Perform the above lower body techniques on the other side before moving onto the upper body & torso techniques.
Upper Body & Torso Techniques:2>
Please check out the video to see how these foam roller techniques are performed with the accessory on your Total Gym.The foam roller accessory is a diverse way to maximize your strength and flexibility goals as well as an excellent method to recover your muscles. Give your muscles and fascial tissue some extra love so you can perform and feel your best.