Total Gym Swim & Surf Workout
Dive into a workout that will transform the tone of your muscles, condition your cardiovascular abilities, and sustain the longevity of your youthfulness! Sound appealing?
Water sports and activities are by far one of the best methods to develop a well-conditioned physique. During swimming, you’re constantly moving to stay afloat – otherwise your going down! This counts as continuous cardio. Plus, water is about 800xs denser than air creating a constant resistance for your muscles to work efficiently and safely. If this isn’t enough to make you want to suit up and jump into a new workout, then maybe the many benefits will get you on board… or on a board!
- – It’s a 2 in one workout!
Trains both strength and cardio simultaneously! Can you say multitask mania?
- – Easy on the joints
Swimming is a great activity for mature adults, for rehabbing injuries, and for recovering sore joints since no impact is required.
- – Develops inner muscular strength
When treading water, your entire body is activated and moves as a unit to develop the deep stabilizing muscles in your core and lower back that you otherwise may not train!
- – Heightened recovery
Swimming allows you to work frequently at a high intensity level without breaking down your body tissues. Basically you can perform tough drills one day and do it again the next day since the body recovers faster in water.
- – Sustainable exercise for a lifetime
Ever think how the heck you’re going to be able to run or condition your body 20+ years from now? Well, it is possible to stay fit for a lifetime in the water! Knowing the human body consists mostly of water makes it a perfect mate to emerge into a pool for exercise.
- – Excellent for lung function & improved vitals
Swimming underwater allows the body to maximize oxygen more efficiently. This also affects a lower resting heart rate, lower blood pressure, and improved dry-land performance.
- – Activity for anyone
Swimming is for all fitness levels at any age! It’s perfect for pregnancy, those injured or recovering! It’s a win for all!
- – Creates a fun adventure
Ever dream of swimming across a lake or paddle boarding around an island? What about performing a triathlon or swimming with dolphins? Swimming’s a life skill that opens your life to amazing adventures!
- – Improves functional strength
- – Improves speed, power, & agility for sports
- – Improves balance & coordination
- – Improves core power
- – Incorporates fluidity of movement
- – It’s fun to perform exercises out of the water!
If you are a swimmer or surfer want to improve your skills, try incorporating these dry-land strength ex into your strength workouts.
* Check out the video to see how these dry-land strength exercises are performed.
Water sports are proven to have rewarding benefits. You control the pace, intensity, and what you get out of every workout session!
Add these dry-and strength exercises into your workout and see how much your body improves!
Best always,