5 tips to keep your spirits high this holiday season

We can all agree that even though the holidays are meant to be fun and enjoyable, there is that stressful component that always shows up when we allow ourselves to bel pulled in many different directions. The best thing we can do is not let that happen. Easier said the done, right? 

Here are my top 5 suggestions to help manage our sanity …lol

*Try to stay more alkaline and cleaner in your days leading up to the holiday parties. The cleaner our gut microbiome, the more mental clarity, focus and drive we have! We know now that 80 % of the happy hormone serotonin is produced in the gut, but this only happens in a “clean environment”. When there is too much acidity coming from overly processed foods, we suffer.

*Support your immune system daily with either herbal teas, bone broths, or lemon, ginger, cayenne shots. If your budget does not allow for extra supplementation, an easy recipe is to blend a piece of ginger with the juice of a lemon, add cayenne powder and drink a shot every morning. It is energizing and a tremendous boost to your immune health! 

*Move!! Exercise is a very effective way to deal with stress as moving your body releases endorphins, which can balance your mood. Something as easy as going for a quick fast paced walk or finding a quiet space in your home to practice some mobility flows and breathing techniques can work well. Even 10 minutes before starting your day can make a big difference to how your productivity is and how you feel later.

*Plan to avoid the frenzy of last-minute shopping. This only leads to the chaos of crowds, less parking spaces and traffic jams. Just thinking about it is stressful.

*Do not feel guilty when engaging in larger meals and more sugar than you would normally consume at a party. Holidays are the time to indulge and enjoy! The stress from either trying to avoid richer meals or feeling guilty eating, them is harder on your immune system than you think. Stay in the spirit and have fun! 


Frances Michaelson

A pioneer in the fitness industry, Frances opened the first personal training center in the West Island of Montreal in 2001. In 2008 , Frances had the “gut feeling“ that there was more to learn about health and how our bodies function, which led to further her education in the field of Naturopathy and holistic nutrition. She has since authored two books. Her latest book, "Do you Have the Guts to be Healthy" was published in March 2021. As a trainer and naturopath, she truly loves seeing people transform themselves by trusting their bodies instead of getting caught up in the medical system. Practicing health is the only way to live the gift of life well!

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