Get Swimsuit Ready 6-week Workout Plan: Week 6

6-weeks to Swimsuit Ready: Week 6

NEWS FLASH!!! It’s the final week in the 6-week challenge to get swimsuit ready!!!


I have to say… this is quite fun and I am so excited to hear about your results.


I encourage you to keep up the hard work and strive for the finish line… but, just because we are soon to finish a 6-week goal, this does not mean you can stop and smell the daises! With the series winding down, I hope you still have fuel in your fire and want to keep it going strong and achieve more! Remember health and fitness is a lifestyle that is something you make a part of your every day


The final days to getting swimsuit ready is exciting because:

1. You have remained motivated, inspired, and dedicated for 5 amazing weeks so far!
2. You have 1 week left to achieve the goal you set… feeling amazing in your skin!
3. I have created 2 new workouts that you can add to your Total Gym library that can be done this week, as well as in your future workouts!


Let’s review the 6-weeks plan of action and learn what you will work on this week.

The 6-week swimsuit ready program:

Follow the workout routine for each day listed on the calendar provided. Each week I will provide you with a new strength circuit and cardio/ strength intervals to change up the routine and challenge your body to achieve results.


Equipment: Total Gym equipment or free weights
This 6-week program utilizes the Total Gym equipment. If you do not have a Total Gym, you can still perform similar exercises with hand weights to mimic the movements performed on the equipment.


How it works: Perform the exercises back-to-back, with little to no rest (30-60 seconds rest) between moves as needed. Complete the circuit 2-3 times total, with up to 90 seconds of rest between circuits.


Week 6 Workouts:
1. Select your favorite LEGS & CORE and ARMS & CORE workout
• Choose between weeks 2 & 4, workouts listed below, refer to prior videos for demo
2. BLAST & BURN workout
• New routine, full workout provided below, video demo
• Combination of all the strength exercises & cardio movements from weeks 1-5


CHOOSE a workout from LEGS & CORE and ARMS & CORE:

Week 2: Total Gym Routine
Focus: Legs & Core
Incline 2-5
1. Step Ups
2. Reverse Plank Taps
3. Hamstring Curls (or Bridge Glute Lifts)
4. Reverse Crunch Rotations

Connect Cable, pin placement 1
5. Side Lying Inner Thigh (R/L legs separate)
6. Seated Outer Thigh (both legs together)
7. Decline Crunch Teaser (assisted w/ cables)

REPEAT 2-3 sets


Week 4: Total Gym Routine
Focus: Legs & Core
Incline 1-2
1. Reverse Lunges
2. Side Splits
3. Knee Tuck & Pike
Connect cable, pin placement 5, incline 4-6
4. Knee Tuck Jumps (core)
5. Crunch & Crisscross (core)
Change pin placement 1, incline 4-6
5. Glute Sweeps
6. Seated Outer Thigh (both legs together)
7. Decline Bicycle Crunch (assisted w/ cables)

REPEAT 2-3 sets


Week 2: Total Gym Routine
Focus: Arms & Core
Incline Med (level 3-5+)
1. Straight Arm Press Down (shoulders)
2. Alternating Lateral/ Front Raises (shoulders)
3. Crunch & Reach (core)
4. Bicep Reaches (biceps)
5. Tricep Presses (triceps)
6. Surfer Row (upper back)
7. Prone Back Swim (lower back)

REPEAT 2-3 sets


Week 4: Total Gym Routine
Focus: Arms & Core
Cable Connected, Pin Placement 2, Incline Med (level 3-5+)
1. 1 Pullover | 1 Crunch (shoulders/core)
2. Arm Circles (shoulders)
3. Tricep Dips (triceps)
4. Chops (core)
5. Row & Rotate (Back/core)
6. Bicep Curls (biceps)
7. Prone Back Swim Star (lower back)

REPEAT 2-3 sets


Week 6: Total Gym Routine
(NEW routine based on a combination of strength & cardio exercises from weeks 1 & 5)

BLAST & BURN: cardio & strength intervals

Cardio Movements: (combination of weeks 1-5)
Plié Jumps
Air Jumps
Single Leg Jump Squats
Pendulum hops
Step Up Repeaters
Sumo Skips
Mountain Climbers


The Routine:
Incline: High (level 8)
1. Plié Squats
• Plié Jumps
• Air Jumps
2. Squats & Squat Pulses
• Single Leg Jump Squats
• Pendulum hops
3. Bridge Lifts & Press Outs
4. Leg Lowers
5. Glute Presses
Incline: Medium (level 3-5), connect pulley, Squat St OFF
• Step Up Repeaters
• Sumo Skips
6. Biceps | Triceps | Shoulder Circles
7. Seated/ Kneeling Diagonal Chops
8. Back Extension Lat Row
Incline: Low (level 1-2), Disconnect Pulley
9. 1 Push Up 1 Knee In
• Mountain Climbers (on TG)

REPEAT 2-3 sets


Put your best foot forward (or your entire body, for that matter!) to tackle this final week with confidence and solid energy as you work toward being swimsuit ready! Let me know how you did, how you feel, and what you plan to do everyday to continue your healthy journey!


*NOTE: Please refer to the calendar for the appropriate week’s workout plan and look for the new workouts for the next week. A video of the exercises will also be provided weekly. Swimsuit Ready Calendar

Good Luck & Best Always,
Maria xx

Maria Sollon

Maria Sollon Scally MS, CSCS holds a Master’s Degree in Performance Enhancement/Injury Prevention and Kinesiology. She has obtained numerous certifications in various areas of fitness and is a national conference presenter. Maria specializes in Pilates, Performance Coaching, and Corrective Exercise Techniques and Kettlebells. She is the creator of the Plyo Pilates Method and has developed a series of amazing workout DVDs. She is a Master Trainer for Total Gym, Resist-a-Ball, Body Blade, Peak Pilates, Kettle Bell Concepts and is a freelance writer for Fitness accredited magazines, newsletters, and fitness blog sites. Maria demonstrates her knowledge each day and uses her dynamic creativity throughout her specialized line of work. (purchasable workout videos) (workout clips)

This Post Has One Comment

  1. I would love it if this entire system was on a DVD to follow.

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