Butt and Leg Exercises Using The Total Gym Squat Stand
To purchase a Squat Stand or other Total Gym accessories, please visit this page.
A perky booty and toned thighs are easy to sculpt with the Total Gym Squat Stand, which is an accessory that can be attached to the Total Gym XLS and the FIT. Stored underneath the gym and inserted into the end receptacles when in use, it provides a platform for a variety of lower extremity exercises.
Why Perform A Squat Stand Workout?
With the glideboard, it’s possible to push off the Squat Stand during plyometric exercises while in a supported position. This opens a whole new world of activity to those with back injuries or those who are recovering from hip and knee surgery. Just remember that if you are under the care of a doctor or therapist, ask them first for clearance to exercise.
On the Squat Stand, you can move through a natural range of motion in any plane, with the challenge of gravity and body weight for resistance. Athletes and non-athletes benefit from using this accessory to develop strength in the legs, hips, and butt.
You can create a compound exercise using the upper and lower body by incorporating the use of cable pulleys with the handles at the same time as the Squat Stand. Or add an extra dimension to a lower body workout with the addition of a foot harness.
How to See Fast Results
If you are aiming for toned muscles and strength gains, twenty minutes or less per session should be fine, however the degree of muscle growth depends on a person’s age, sex, nutritional status, and how conditioned the muscles are to begin with. A general search of the literature on muscular growth shows they can increase after just three weeks of exercise. Cellular change occurs as early as ten days. Based on these findings, if you do resistance training three or four times a week for twenty minutes or less, you would definitely begin to notice results in six weeks. Sports literature and research show that resistance training three times a week for twelve weeks ensures measureable gains in strength, endurance, and flexibility. Or in other words, you will look good naked!
Simple Exercises For The Squat Stand
For the first five exercises, unhook the pulley from the glideboard. The final two will use the pulley cable and the Squat Stand together to create compound moves that target the upper and lower body muscle groups at the same time. Remember to always contract your abdominals during the exercises.
- Sprinter’s Start:
Straddle the glideboard facing the support column and then get in hands and knees position with the left foot against the Squat Stand and the right knee on the glideboard. Push the glideboard up the rails with your left foot pressing against the Squat Stand as you straighten your left knee. Return to starting position. - Basic Squat:
Lie face up on the glideboard. Place your feet hip-distance apart on the Squat Stand. Bend and straighten your knees to bring the glideboard up and down. You can take this exercise to the next level by squatting on one leg at a time. - Jumping Squat (Plyometric):
Lying face up on the glideboard, with your feet on the Squat Stand, do a basic squat and then push off the Squat Stand with force. As your feet leave the stand, raise your legs with a double leg lift. Land softly on the Squat Stand with the ball of the foot, knees bent, and ease the heel down last. - Skiing/Twisting Squat (Plyometric):
Lying face up on the glideboard with your legs together, turn your knees and feet toward one corner of the Squat Stand. Do a basic squat and then push off the Squat Stand with force. As your feet leave the stand, straighten your knees and turn your feet to the opposite corner of the Squat Stand. Land softly with bent knees. Alternate back and forth as if you’re skiing. - Calf Raise:
Lying face up on the glideboard with your legs close together, put the balls of your feet on the bottom edge of the Squat Stand. Let your heels drop below the Squat Stand and then press up onto your toes. Return to starting position slowly. Keep your knees straight and your back flat throughout the exercise. - Basic Squat/Single Leg Squat with Leg Lift, Combined with Pullovers:
Lying face up, place both feet on the Squat Stand and bend your knees. You can increase or decrease range of motion in the legs by scooting higher or lower on the glideboard. Take one handle in each hand, palm up, and raise your arms above your head. As you extend your legs, pull the arms down by your sides until your elbows touch the glideboard. You can squat using one leg at a time by extending a leg over the top of the Squat Stand as you bend the other knee. - Snow Angel/Iron cross:
Lying face up on the glideboard with your feet on the Squat Stand, reach overhead and the grab pulley cables by the handles, palms up. Keep the arms straight and bend the knees. As you extend the knees, bring your arms out to the side and stop at shoulder level, with the wrists and elbows straight. This can also be done as a single leg squat exercise.
Static Stretches Using The Squat Stand
After working out, it’s important to work on flexibility while the muscles are still warm. The following poses should be held for 30 seconds on each side. Unhook the pulley cable for these stretches using the Squat Stand.
- Figure 4 Hip Stretch:
Lying face up on the glideboard with your butt at the end of the board, put the right foot against the Squat Stand. Cross the left ankle over the top of the right knee. Bend the right knee until the left buttocks feels stretched. Hold. Return to start position and switch sides. - Hamstring Stretch:
Lie on the glideboard with both legs extended and feet on the Squat Stand. Lift your right leg and hold it straight, toes pointed. You can use a strap around the foot to pull the leg toward your body for a deeper stretch or hold the leg around the calf or thigh. Do not press against the back of the knee. Switch sides. - Seated Back Stretch:
Sit on the glideboard with your feet against the Squat Stand. Reach for your left toes with your right hand. If you can’t reach your toes, bend your knees. As you hold the stretch, you may notice the muscles relaxing and allowing you to reach further. If this happens, reach for the Squat Stand. Hold. Return to start position. Switch sides. - Quad/Front Leg Stretch:
Lie on your left side on the glideboard with your feet against the Squat Stand. Rest your head on your arm. Bend your right knee back and hold the foot with your right hand. Keep your knees close to one another, hips stacked and your body from head to knee in one long line. Hold the stretch. Switch sides. You can also do this face down on the glideboard while resting your chin on one hand, pressing the pelvis into the board. - Hip flexor stretch:
With your hands on the Squat Stand, place your right knee on the glideboard. The left foot is on the ground. Keep your left/front knee bent so that the knee is directly over the ankle. Now allow the glideboard to slide up the rails with the pressure of your right knee until you feel a stretch in the front of the right hip and down the thigh. Hold. Return to start position and switch sides.
To purchase a Squat Stand or other Total Gym accessories, please visit this page.
Arthur Brown
1 Mar 2015I did not realize how tight and not flexible I was until I did these exercises. I appreciate the way she explains the routine.