Total Gym Prepares You For Surgery and Helps Rehab After:
Happy New Year Total Gym Team,
My favorite Holiday song this year? “All I want for Christmas is my two healthy hips” and I’m happy to say my wish came true!
This is a follow up blog post from the summer of 2015 , about six weeks after I had my left hip replaced on June 15th at age 49.
A quick summary: After a lifetime of high impact sports and exercise, my hips had simply had enough. The first surgery and recovery was a success, however, I had to have the same procedure on the right hip three months later. A little bit of research revealed that I am not alone. In 2014, the Mayo Clinic estimated that there are 4.5 million Americans (2.5 million women – 2.0 million men) with a Total Hip Replacement (THR). Each year the numbers and percentages are growing.
I am hoping by sharing my life-changing experience, it will help others who may be facing debilitating hip pain.
My second THR is now in the Post-Rehab stage and getting better every day. With the help of my Total Gym:
- I was able to successfully prepare for both surgeries so I was strong. For both THRs, I went into surgery at 8am on a Monday. I was walking during Physical Therapy at 3pm that day and I was released from the hospital on Tuesday afternoon.
Since the mid-1980s, Total Gym has been a prevalent piece of equipment in over 15,000 Physical Therapy offices.
Ask yourself this: What profession is very particular about the equipment they use when rehabbing their clients? I felt right at home when all three of the physical therapy offices I went to for rehab had a Total Gym. I was eager to let my therapists know that I had a Total Gym in my house and they, in turn, made Total Gym exercises a part of my “homework”.
As a Total Gym Master Trainer, I am always praising the versatility of the Total Gym, especially when you start adding all the great accessories. My clients always enjoy the freshness of the workouts I design and their bodies appreciate the fact that we are always keeping their muscles guessing, thus progressing. But I also like to add additional equipment to mix things up.
Check out the attached video to see how I used my Total Gym and some of my other equipment to enhance my rehab and do some multi-tasking to train multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
I am wishing you healthy hips for your lifetime. However, just in case you are faced getting some “new parts’, you can rest assured you have one piece of equipment that can best prepare you before the procedure and get you back to your healthy self post procedure. I am now, more than ever, grateful for my Total Gym!