Feel like your workouts are becoming dull and you need a little extra challenge to spruce it up?
I have just the thing for you to add into your current routine that will challenge your mind, your muscles, and produce real results in 4-weeks time! I’ve created a Chest, Abs, & Back Challenge that is effective and efficient that can add variety and incorporate into any fitness program!
Total Gym 4 Week Core Challenge – Week 2:
This challenge is an excellent way to train your muscles by performing specific strength exercises that target your chest, back, and core muscles. You be the judge of your own progress at the end of the 4-weeks!
Embracing The Total Gym Challenge
The Chest, Core, & Back Challenge is based on a 4 week training cycle that is created to produce results and improve your current fitness level. The challenge consists of varying reps/sets and resistance levels to suit your fitness needs. You will perform the workout provided in conjunction with your current routine.
Each week I will provide you with a slightly different set of exercises that target your upper body and core muscles in every range of motion. The intensity level should increase weekly to keep your body challenged and progressing with improvements. This adds variety in the routine, challenges the muscles, and increases strength development.
This is the 2nd week of the Chest, Core, & Back Challenge, so if you’re just joining in now, you can refer back to week 1’s blog for the full program details and start from the beginning. I recommend printing or saving the weekly workouts schedule to your phone or tablet for an easy reference.
The chart below lists the instructions for the second week’s challenge.
*Check out the video to see how these exercises are performed.
Your dedication and commitment is inspiring to others going through the same process. It can be motivating and encouraging to share your progress on a social media platform. Use the #tag: #TotalGymsChestAbsBackChallenge
Good luck with this Chest/ Abs/ Back Challenge! You will be amazed at how strong your body becomes within weeks of consistent efforts. Stick with the plan to see how strong your body can be!
Stay tuned for week 2’s challenge!
Best Always,
http://www.groovysweatstore.com (purchasable workout videos)
http://www.youtube.com/groovysweat (workout clips)