By now, you might have heard of a popular fitness method called HIIT being introduced by gyms, coaches, group fitness instructors, and personal trainers.
But do you do know what it actually means and how it works?
HIIT is an acronym for High Intensity Interval Training and it is an effective training technique in which you exert maximum effort through fast, quick, and intense bursts of different exercises followed by a short recovery period. The reason this type of training has become so trendy is because it works and gets you great results by keeping your heart rate up and efficiently burning more fat.
HIIT is so popular among the general public is because it ramps up metabolism, can be done anywhere, is fairly quick and doesn’t hog up your schedule, and often times don’t require any equipment which can help keep the excuses to a minimum.
Even though you can do a HIIT workout with no equipment, there’s plenty of exercises you can do with your Total Gym Fit.
If you’re looking for a quick fitness program to do on your Total Gym Fit, then try the following 20-minute HIIT workout program, consisting of 3 full circuits of 45-second bursts, and 15 seconds of rest. Perform the routine 3 days this week and watch how your body responds and transforms:
Total Gym Fit Incline Push-Ups
Stand facing the foot platform of your Total Gym Fit. Place hands on the edge of the foot platform, slightly wider than shoulder width. Position your feet away from the foot platform with arms and body straight. Lower yourself down with slowly controlled movements. Push your body up until arms are extended to complete the first rep
Total Gym Fit Dips
Facing away from the Total Gym Fit, position your hands shoulder-width apart on the foot platform. Slightly move with your legs extended out in front of you. Straighten your arms, keeping a little bend in your elbows to keep tension on your triceps and off your elbow joints. Slowly bend your elbows to lower your body toward the floor until your elbows are at about a 90-degree angle. Be sure to keep your back close to the foot platform. Once you reach the bottom of the movement, press down into the bench to straighten your elbows, returning to the starting position. This completes one rep. Keep your shoulders down as you lower and raise your body. Please note that you can slightly bend your legs to modify this exercise.
Total Gym Fit Leg Raises
Lay flat down on your back on top of the slider with your arms fully extended above your head to grab onto the hand grips of the Total Gym Fit with your hands facing one another. With your arms fully extended and your body stretched out, begin to lift your legs up simultaneously as high as you can to form the letter “L” with your body, then slowly lower them back down. Repeat this sequence to complete the first rep, then repeat the movement.
Total Gym Fit 1 Legged Squat Jump
Sit upright with your butt as close as possible to the bottom of the seat with one foot on the platform and the other leg lifted in the air to the side of the platform. Proceed to squat on the leg that is on the foot platform by going down slowly until you feel engagement in the quadriceps region of your leg, then press to lift your body back up to complete the rep. Repeat this sequence to complete the first rep, then swiftly switch legs and perform the same movement on this side. Then, you alternate the movement back and forth between both legs.
Total Gym Fit Pike
Place both hands on the foot platform with your head facing towards the ground. You then place your feet onto the bottom of slider (on your tippy toes) with your heels in the air. Your body should resemble an upside down letter “V” while you are in the starting position. While in this starting position, extend the full body outward so that you are completely straight, then you bring the slider back in with your feet to go back to the upside down letter “V”. Repeat this sequence to complete the first rep, and repeat the exercise to complete the set.
So there you have it, your very own 20-minute HIIT workout for you to do at home or in your office. Perform the routine 3 days per week for the next 6 weeks and give your absolute best throughout each exercise all the way through the program. Combine this workout program with a balanced nutritious regimen, adequate sleep, lots of water and watch how your body transforms. You can thank us later!
Good luck and we can’t wait to hear about your amazing upcoming results!