3 Total Gym Workouts Used by World Famous Athletes

3 Total Gym Workouts Used by World Famous Athletes

Total Gym teamed up with Todd Durkin to create three new Total Gym high energy workouts. Todd is one of America’s top trainers and has used the Total Gym with many of clients his clients, including some world famous athletes.

Todd Durkin Total Gym Workouts

According to Todd, most of his clients are starved for enough time to get a great workout. What he likes about the Total Gym is that you can do dozens of exercises in as little as 20-30 minutes. He credits the Total Gym for helping his clients raise their metabolism, lose fat and develop a body that is lean and strong.

Todd Durkin Total Gym Workouts

Todd says the Total Gym allows you to “Work, live and play” at your absolute best! He says that regardless of your age or gender the Total Gym can help you meet your workout needs.

Todd Durkin Total Gym Workouts

Check out Total Gym Pulse for more workouts from our expert trainers and exercises using the Total Gym!

Related posts:
Introducing the Total Gym Fit: https://blog.totalgymdirect.com/total-gym-fit/
How To Bench Press with the Total Gym: https://blog.totalgymdirect.com/bench-press-tips-total-gym-john-carleo/
Total Gym Testimonial of the Week: https://blog.totalgymdirect.com/user-testimonial-raymon-whitt/

This Post Has One Comment

  1. hello can anyone help me have Todd Durkin’s 3 dvd workout plan does anyone know how long u do the beginner program then switch to intermediate program then to advance dvd

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