6-weeks to Swimsuit Ready: Week 5
Smooth sailing with two weeks left for our 6-week swimsuit ready journey! I am so delighted we have made it this far and encourage you to keep going strong! We have accomplished so much in just a few short weeks. I will provide you with this week’s workouts in a moment but first let’s pause to evaluate: how are you doing and how you feel?
Ask yourself:
1. How do you feel mentally and physically?
2. Are you eating the cleanest diet you can?
3. Are you drinking enough water to cleanse your body?
4. Are you challenging yourself enough during your workouts?
5. Are you doing the extra cardio, core, and flexibility routines on the off days?
6. What can you do to maximize your results?
The answers to these questions can help you make slight changes and improvements to better your body.
Here is a review of the 6-week Swimsuit Ready workout series and what you will work on this week.
The 6-week swimsuit ready program:
Follow the workout routine for each day listed on the calendar provided. Each week I will provide you with a new strength circuit and cardio/ strength intervals to change up the routine and challenge your body to achieve results.
Equipment: Total Gym equipment or free weights
This 6-week program utilizes the Total Gym Equipment. If you do not have a Total Gym, you can still perform similar exercises with hand weights to mimic the movements performed on the equipment.
How it works: Perform the exercises back-to-back, with little to no rest (30-60 seconds rest) between moves as needed. Complete the circuit 2-3 times total, with up to 90 seconds of rest between circuits.
Week 5 Workouts:
1. TG Total Strength workout
• NEW strength circuit, workout listed below, demo video
2. Blast & Burn workout
• Use the NEW Total Strength workout provided this week
• Use a combination of cardio movements from weeks 1-4
• Workout listed below, refer to prior videos for the cardio exercises
Week 5 (new strength circuit)
TG TOTAL STRENGTH: full body strength
Incline: High (level 8)
1. Squats & Squat Pulses
2. Bridge Lifts & Press Outs
Incline: Med (level 3-4)
3. Seated/ Kneeling Diagonal Chops
4. Kneeling High Rows
5. Kneeling Biceps Triceps
6. Back Extension Lat Row
Incline Low: (level 1-2), Disconnect Pulley, Squat St OFF
7. Lateral Lunges
8. 1 Push Up 1 Knee In
9. Incline Bicycle Crunch
RE-SET Incline High: (level 8)
REPEAT Strength Circuit 2-3 sets
*NOTE: Please refer to the calendar for the appropriate week’s workout plan and look for the new workouts for the next week. A video of the exercises will also be provided weekly.
Swimsuit Ready Calendar