As we approach the end of this year and (as scary as it sounds) this decade, how do you plan to be a better version of yourself? Why wait until the ball drops…? Let’s do it now and roll into the New Year with your customized Holiday Hustle workout!The Holiday Hustle Series contains a variety of five Total Gym workouts that will effi-ciently challenge your muscles, burn off holiday calories, and maximize your time so you don’t miss a holiday beat.
Each workout has a primary focus. Plan to alternate these 5 workouts throughout the holiday season to keep your body on its game. You can also combine them together for an extra challenge.
Be sure to check out these previous blogs if you happened to miss them.
1. Total Body - Click to see part 1
2. Cardio Blast - Click to see part 2
3. Lower Body - Click to see part 3
4. Upper Body & Core - Click to see part 4
5. Fusion Flow
Let’s finish strong with the final workout in the series!
The last workout in the series combines a fusion of yoga & Pilates movements that flow smoothly to challenge your muscles on your Total Gym. Execute each exercise or pose slowly with control and utilize your breath when moving.Warm-up Directions:
• Dynamically warm-up your muscles before performing the circuit.• Examples: Mountain climbers, plank, push-ups, cat/ cow, up-dog/ down-dog, etc.
• Perform 10 reps of each exercises, 2-3 sets. (3-5 minutes)
• Move directly into the circuit.
Circuit Directions:
• SETS: Perform all exercises on the right side first, then repeat the whole sequence on the left side (this equals 2 complete sets).• REPS: 10-15 reps per exercise OR time each exercise for 60 seconds.
• Repeat circuit again (on both sides) if time permits.
• Finish workout with the 3 core finisher exercises; reps are noted below.
Set Up: low level, no accessories required[Perform ALL exercises on 1 side, then repeat on the other side]
1. Warrior 2 Slides (option to hold hand weights)
2. Triangle Pose & Reverse Triangle
3. Crescent lunge
4. Oblique Pike Up
5. Side Angle Pose
6. Hamstring pulls
7. Bridge Pose
Core Finisher:
8. Forearm Plank Hold [face tower] (30 seconds)9. Straight Arm Plank Hold [face tower] (45 seconds)
10. Decline Plank Hold [face away from tower] (60 seconds)
• End with a series of stretches that lengthen and recover your muscles.• Examples: Cat/cow, up-dog/ down-dog, forward fold stretch, etc.
Be sure to check out the video to see how these exercises are performed on your Total Gym.
Keep your mind in the spirits of the season, while your body stays in motion, along with the holiday’s hustle.
Happy Holiday’s and best to you in the New Year.