WORTH – 12/20/11
New Year, New You! Each year individuals make Resolutions only to find themselves overwhelmed with all of the changes that they wish to implement. If only there was a way to target multiple resolutions with one solution. Well, Total Gym, a trusted leader in the fitness industry for over 35 years has done just that. Total Gym resolves to help individuals efficiently and cost-effectively meet their weight loss and fitness goals in 2012.
How will they do it?
Save Time – Total Gym targets all major muscle groups with just one workout. Resistance training, cardio training and stretching – everything the body needs, with over 80 exercises, in just one machine. Individuals can get a total body workout in as little as 10 – 20 minutes a day, making Total Gym at-home workouts more efficient and effective, and perfect for the entire family from ages eight to 80.
Save Money – With the costs of gym memberships and gas these days, individuals can save money with Total Gym. Plus, according to Medical News Today nearly 80% of U.S. gym memberships go unused each year resulting in over $12 billion wasted annually. With Total Gym one can own a gym and workout in the convenience of their own home for less then the price of a gym membership. Total Gym offers a 30-Day In Home Trial as well as convenient payment plans.
Lose Weight & Get Fit – With over 4 million customers worldwide, Total Gym has helped millions of people reach their fitness goals. Like Shawn Peterson who lost 177 pounds, “I’ve battled with weight all my life, said Shawn, using the Total Gym, I lost 177 pounds. I can do all kinds of things now. Before, when I was 338 lbs my children would always ask me to go outside and play with them and I couldn’t do it – now I can.” And Rebecca Kiritsy who lost over 70 pounds with Total Gym “Within the first month, I could really see results. I dropped a dress size and lost 10 lbs. I could see and feel my body being more toned and tightened. Now I’ve lost over 70 lbs and kept it off for about a year and a half.” Plus, every Total Gym arrives fully assembled and ready to use out of the box, and comes with the workout tools and nutritional plans needed to get started on the road to success. Click here to learn more about the Total Gym Resolution Solution!