Wouldn’t it be nice to have the confidence to know your mid section is filled with a solid six-pack? And I’m not talking about beer! Summer shred and swimsuit season is right around the corner. If getting ripped 6-pack abs appeals to you, then let the motivation set in and commit to making it happen. If you’re up for the challenge to make a difference in your confidence and physique, then I have the perfect program for you, that sheds fat and builds muscle!
I have developed a 3-week program that will lead you on your way to achieving a chiseled set of abs through a set training schedule you can do along with your current routine. This program is a combination of exercise and watching what you eat.
While dieting and clean eating is an absolutely crucial part of the 6-pack process, there’s an important concept you need to realize. Abs are not made by dieting; they are revealed by what you put into your body daily. This is an important fact that you need to be mindful of when preparing muscles for ‘getting ripped abs’.
Another concept to be aware of is that developing the entire body into solid muscle takes time. You cannot spot reduce or develop one specific area. If you do not have a solid foundation of muscle yet, it will be extremely difficult to shed fat and to see the muscle definition because it doesn’t exist yet! Therefore, building solid muscle is crucial in revealing your overall “ripped 6-pack abs” and to having the rest of your body proportionally balanced.
Developing a solid foundation of overall muscle and seeing the fat melt off your body is achievable, if you do these three things:
- Cardiovascular exercises
- Strength training exercises
- Eating a clean diet daily
The end result is a chiseled physique. So let’s begin the ripped 6-pack process knowing the reality of what really needs to occur!
Last week we discussed some key diet concepts and I provided you with a healthy greens smoothie recipe to incorporate into your daily diet. This week, I have another amazing healthy meal for you to blend up at home! It’s healthy, light, energizing, replenishing, and will help your body get that ripped effect!
The Program: How to get ripped abs in 3-weeks
This is the 2nd week of the ripped abs program. If you are just joining in now, please refer to week 1 to get the full program details and start from the beginning.
The Get Ripped Abs program is a 3-week training schedule that progressively builds upon the previous week. The workouts change each week by adding new core exercises, extra training days, and incorporating workouts from the prior week. This will allow your muscles to continue to be challenged and add variety to your weekly routine. These workouts can be performed in conjunction with your current workouts or on their own.
The routines are designed to progress in intensity by reps, sets, and incline to challenge your fitness level. By the end of the 3 weeks, you will have a library of core exercises you can continue to add into your workouts, not to mention a sexy, ripped midsection!
Week 1: 2 core days +1 plank day (3 workouts)
Week 2: 3 core days +2 plank days (5 workouts)
Week 3: 4 core days +2 plank days (6 workouts)
Use the chart below as a 3-week guide to plan your core workouts into your current routines.
*Please refer to the video to see how these exercises are performed.
NOTE: Be sure to maintain proper form when holding an isometric plank. The shoulders should be down away from the neck, the chest is slightly lifted, and the core is engaged so that the back is long/ flat with no signs of ‘dipping’ in the middle.
Modified: lower the knees to the floor and keep the same upper body form.
You should be well on your way to getting that ripped 6-pack set of abs! Keep up the hard work, commitment, and motivation to start to see the results occur!
Help motivate and inspire others by posting your experience, thoughts, results, and even recipes to try on social media platforms (Twitter & Instagram) using the hashtags #GetRippedAbs #ChiseledAbs #SexyAbs #TotalGymRippedAbs and the at mentions @TotalGym @groovysweat
Good luck with this core routine. Stay tuned for week 3’s new challenges!
Best Always,
http://www.groovysweatstore.com (purchasable workout videos)
http://www.youtube.com/groovysweat (workout clips)